von Ohrdruf
Prospekt |
Holiday apartment "Ehrenstein"
77 m² 3-space apartment in the upper floor of the holiday apartment Thuringia
suitable for 4 and more persons
the inexpensive alternative for small and big families.
The holiday apartment is planned as a central family apartment of the holiday apartment. Because it is also connected with the central stairwell, it can be booked in combination with other apartments. Therefore vacation with for instance 18 persons in several apartments is no problem.
Holiday apartment "Ehrenstein" disposes of a sitting room with a 3-seater sofa, two seater sofas 2, a big eating place for about 12 persons, satellite television, DVD player, Surround arrangement, radio - very well suitably for comfortable evenings in big round.
The holiday apartment has ISDN phone and offer, in addition the free call up in the German (VOIP/INTERNET PHONE * ²) in addition the free call up in the German (VOIP/INTERNET PHONE *²)round-the-clock and free high speed - DSL-16000 Internet connection (WIFI).
A fax machine can be made available when required.
*² - look AGB
The children's room is equipped with double floor bed, sleeping couch (145x200) as well as satellite television and can be used therefore as the second sitting room.
Badetücher, Bath towels, towels and bedclothes exist - you can arrive carefree round-the-clock. A code castle in the input area also allows a journey at unfavorable times - without having to wait for a key handing over.
Furthermore she disposes of a separate toilet as well as bath with tub and washing machine.
The completely equipped kitchen with dishwasher, baking stove and microwave has beside the necessary culinary utensils, in addition, an eating place for four persons.
In warm evenings one can let of the kitchen from the day on the terrace end.
In the bedroom with double bed can be provided one or also two cribs.
The price of 7 overnight stays amounts, for instance, with 4 persons to 450 euros. In the price all additional costs as well as the final cleaning are included - inexpensive holidays in the Thuringian Forest by the finest.
Few meters away restaurants are for very modest and high claims.
Now still some other information: With pleasure you can also follow another or combinations of these, according to the availability (allocation calendar!) choose.
In the attractive rennsteig path area wait for you approx. 150 kms of marked footpaths, colored mountain pastures, picturesque valleys and the marvelous view of the summits. Thus the vacation is suitable at the foot of the Thuringian forest for everything which have joy in movement in the nature as well as for all hungry for education. In the inns in immediate nearness you can experience the Thuringian kitchen and hospitality. For excursions to the surroundings we have information. As destinations are among other things in the closer surroundings with numerous places of interest the towns Gotha, Arnstadt, Erfurt, Weimar, Eisenach as well as the towns Oberhof, Zella-Mehlis, Suhl, Ilmenau, the Oberhofer Rennsteigtherme and the experience bath
Schloss Ehrenstein:
Der in den Nordflügel des hiesigen Schlosses Ehrenstein integrierte Fliehturm ist der älteste bauliche Beleg für eine frühe Befestigung an diesem Platz. Das in seinem Grundriss fast rechteckige aus Naturstein bestehende Bauwerk bot den Bewohnern der ringsum verstreut liegenden Höfe und kleinen Siedlungen bereits um 700 einen sicheren Schutz. In der Folge wechselte die Anlage oft ihre Herren und damit auch ihre Bestimmung, so dass es auch immer wieder bauliche Erweiterungen und Veränderungen gab.
Zuverlässige Nachrichten weisen nach, dass später an dieser Stelle ein Stift stand. Zu demselben legte Lullus, Nachfolger des Bonifatius, um das Jahr 745 den Grundstein. Er errichtete hier eine Kirche und weihte diese im Jahre 777 zu Ehren Petri. Da die Kirche aber im Laufe der Zeit verfallen war, stellte sie Gozbert, Abt zu Hersfeld, im Jahr 980 wieder prächtig her. Er versah sie mit Reliquien der Heiligen, erweiterte die Anlage und erhob die Kirche zum ersten Chorherrenstift in Thüringen. Im Jahre 1184, den 16. März, brannte unter dem damaligen Dekan Volmar das Chorherrenstift samt seiner Kostbarkeiten vollständig nieder. Beim Wiederaufbau 1186 bekamen die Gebäude nun einen anderen Grundriss. In dieser Weise bestand das Benediktinerstift viele Jahre und hätte wohl auch noch bis zur Reformation hier gestanden, wenn nicht die häufigen und verheerenden Fehden der kleinen Herren in Thüringen in den Jahren 1330-1340 ausgebrochen wären. ...
Das Schloss Ehrenstein ist darüber hinaus Domizil für das Ohrdrufer Stadtarchiv und die Stadtbibliothek |